Crisis = 危 + 機
Danger Opportunity
Wind-Downs or Closure -we won't cut and run

Interim Management & Chief Restructuring Officer
CA&A provides experienced executives to assume and/or augment a management role on an interim basis; including the role of Chief Restructuring Officer. Our seasoned professionals will work with a company’s executives and Board to build a strong and focused turnaround team while establishing clear and attainable goals and providing the foundation for a strong future. CA&A’s management team has extensive experience in serving in senior executive roles within a variety of client industries.
With our strong relationships in the financial and legal communities, our team brings instant credibility to a troubled business situation.
Wind-Downs or Closure
Our team has extensive experience in dealing with the complex issues surrounding a corporate wind-down or closure. Many companies feel that they have to file bankruptcy if their business begins to fail; that is simply not the case. In some circumstances, the best way to wind-down is just to close the doors. Many times uncertainty gets in the way of determining fairness vs. obligation. CA&A helps its clients to ensure that a balance is met. Many of our competitors will preach the advantage of doing an Assignment for the Benefit of Creditors (ABC) – this is nonsense. The only one making money on such a transaction is the consultant proposing this solution. CA&A places the protection of its clients’ best interests at the center of all proposals and implemented actions on their clients’ behalf.